
Best Wheat beer in Finland 2022

Unison Vehnäolut is a soft and easy-to-drink wheat beer, and it is more mildly hopped than tra­di­tional German-style wheat beers. The secret ingre­dient is Citra hops, which brings freshness to the sweet wheat beer. The recipe was developed by Unison Brew­ing’s Beer­master Joni Sormunen.

420 beers from 53 dif­ferent brew­eries par­tic­i­pated in the com­pe­tition. Three finalist was selected by the jury from each series.

It is the most pres­ti­gious beer com­pe­tition in Finland, where beers pro­duced in Finland from large and small brew­eries are judged. 

The jury con­sists of beer industry pro­fes­sionals and long-time beer enthu­siasts who taste and evaluate the beers based on taste in a blind tasting. 

Unison organic pils was chosen as one of the best lagers in the TOP 10 lager beer cam­paign orga­nized by K-market and Olut­posti, summer of 2022. 

The judges were the head of Olut­posti and beer expert Anikó Lehtinen, rep­re­sen­tative of the Finnish Beer Society Kimmo-Pekka Toivola and musician and beer enthu­siast Samae Koskinen.

The Finnish com­munity beer appli­cation Pint Please is also included in the campaign.

Unison Luomu Pils is a fresh, unfil­tered, pale and malty pilsner that has been brewed with noble hops.

In beer’s taste and aroma, you can find maltiness, grain­iness, cookie-likeness, herba­ceousness and light honey. The flavor profile of Organic Pils is clean and the bit­terness is mod­erate and soft. Pils gets its flavor from organic pilsner malts and Saaz and Pre­miant hop varieties.

Unison makes beer great again.